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The Importance of Reliable Hormone Testing

hormonetesting menopause perimenopause Jun 04, 2023

In order to provide long-term protection against osteoporosis, sexual dysfunction, breast cancer, and other disorders, it’s important to have your hormone levels tested to ensure they are at optimal levels. It’s much easier to receive help and make the necessary changes to improve your overall wellness once you know specifically which hormones are out of balance.

In the past, the two most common types of hormone testing have been blood and saliva. Whilst bloods can be a useful tool - hormone levels from blood tests mostly indicate inactive hormones and doesn’t actively reflect current hormone levels.

Why should all women take a complete Dutch hormone test?

I think Dutch testing bridges the gap between existing methods to create a much better idea of addressing the needs of women (and men, but hey this a women’s group:).
I mostly use a Dutch Complete which is a comprehensive assessment of both sex and adrenal hormones and their metabolites and also includes the daily free cortisol pattern plus organic acids and melatonin.
In short we’re looking at:
Organic acids
So if you’re experiencing any sleep and adrenal issues, oestrogen dominance, low progesterone, low DHEA then this is the test for you.

This test also shows how you metabolise estrogen through your liver. If you don’t metabolize estrogen well, your risks of estrogen-related cancers such as breast, cervical and uterine cancer can increase.
The organic acids part of the test shows two important vitamins for hormones B12 and B6. Also an oxidative stress marker which looks for any damage to your cells and DNA. It looks at neurotransmitters markers that show dopamine and first responder stress hormones. Finally your need for glutathione, our master anti-oxidant.

Patients collect just four or five (depending on whether you are waking in the night) dried urine samples over a 24-hour period. The beauty is that dried samples are stable for several weeks making them convenient to ship worldwide.

We are then much better equipped to know what herbs, nutrients, bio-identical hormones, nutrition and lifestyle changes you may need.

As always with hormonal imbalances, we need to address all of the factors that contribute to your wellness.
Now you see why we need more than a blood test?

Just reach out if you are interested in doing a Dutch Test to get a complete picture of your hormones, we can send test kits worldwide or email us for more information.

[email protected]