$25.00 SGD

Mindfulness Workbook

'Healing From Within'

A mindset guide for women going through peri-menopause to menopause

What you'll get:

  • A full plan to support your mindset journey.
  • Learn different forms of meditation and which practice is right for you.
  • Work through life-charting to find your best life and purpose moving forward.
  • Work through the practice of gratitude and affirmations.
  • Charting your stress scale and support around your hormones and adrenal health.
  • How to set up daily rituals.
  • Head, Heart, Gut check-in to help you make more informed decisions.
  • Re-wire your belief system and anything holding you back.
  • Advice on supportive supplements to support your health journey.
  • Mindset dietary support

Disclaimer: this workbook is not meant to replace any support, medications or advice you are currently receiving from any of your practitioners. Please check with your health practitioners before starting.